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Can luminaires be sustainable?

Most of the lights are made in China. This means long transport distances. In most cases there is no possibility to repair luminaires. Often they have to be completely replaced after only a few years.

That's why I was interested in the question: Are there actually sustainable luminaires?

We looked around the market, and found a nice example of sustainable luminaires. The company Wirklicht from Innsbruck produces biodynamic luminaires made of wood. In doing so, they combine state-of-the-art technology with one of mankind's oldest materials.

We spoke with Dr. Daniel Tschofen of Wirklicht to learn about the philosophy behind their lights made of wood. In the process, we learned that solid wood and aluminum are the main components of the lights. With these materials, the idea of recycling is taken into account.

The lights are handcrafted using only FSC certified wood. FSC certified wood is obtained sustainably and according to strict environmental and social principles. Wirklicht has the claim to build lights for a lifetime. 

Only extremely durable LEDs are used. Should an LED fail after many years or decades, Wirklicht can replace individual LEDs. Sustainability also means longevity.

The lights are manufactured in Europe. Short transport routes for the raw materials and proximity to the customer are important to Dr. Daniel Tschofen. Wirklicht stands for natural materials, durability and short transport routes.

In conversation, we learned that biodynamic light has been rethought in collaboration with Dr. Oliver Stefani of the Institute for Chronobiology.

The latest scientific findings form the basis for the innovative biodynamic lighting. The light of many biodynamic luminaires is warm white in the morning, becomes cold white in the course of the day and is warm white again in the evening.

However, not only photographers know that there is a so-called blue hour in the morning and evening. In the blue hour, the light is almost slightly bluish and cold white. Scientific studies show that it is precisely these peaks in the morning and evening that are particularly important for waking up in the morning and getting tired in the evening. With the aim of getting even closer to daylight, Wirklicht has implemented these findings in the construction of its luminaires. Missing times under daylight can thus be ideally compensated.

At home and in the office there is hardly any difference to natural daylight anymore.